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Play or Freetime

Children or young people having freetime at home

Finding indoor space for the full range of freetime activities is challenging. Conflicts often arise when play and freetime happen in spaces shared with family. 

Explore how these design moves could help.

When spaces  aren't practical for getting arty and experimental...

When spaces aren't practical for getting arty and experimental...

Ideas to help
When your child is stressed or overwhelmed by play...

When your child is stressed or overwhelmed by play...

Ideas to help
When there seem to be hazards everywhere...

When there seem to be hazards everywhere...

Ideas to help
When they need to burn off that energy...

When they need to burn off that energy...

Ideas to help
When the toys are taking over...

When the toys are taking over...

Ideas to help
When you just need to escape for a while...

When you just need to escape for a while...

Ideas to help
When you cant find the thing you want to play with...

When you cant find the thing you want to play with...

Ideas to help